Our SBS audience is loyal, committed And exclusive to our platform​

0 %
Of the Hispanic
audience in owned
markets listen exclusively
to SBS

SOURCE: Nielsen Audio NY-LA-CHI-Mia-SF MSA Fall ’22 (Oct/Nov/Dec) Cume M-Sun 6a-12m

Home to the most
listened to station in the country
WSKQ-FM La Mega 97.9

SOURCE: Nielsen Audio DMA, Fall 2022; All U.S. Radio Stations; M-Sun 6a-12m; A25-54; March 2023.

SBS equals maximum Latina reach with top-rated stations in key markets

Latinas are educated, entrepreneurs, homeowners, cultured and connected. They run their households and are key controllers of the $2.6 Trillion piece of the pie in Hispanic buying power. Latinas are changing the game and becoming some of the most influential women in the nation– and one of the best ways to reach them is through SBS.

SOURCE: Latino GDP Report, 2022.


The Hispanic population’s buying power is almost $2.6 Trillion dollars, and they are more geographically concentrated than non-Hispanics.​
SBS is strategically located in the most Hispanic-dense states, including California, Florida, Texas and NY.​

Source: Nielsen Audio DMA,Fall 2021; M-Sun 6a-12m; HA18-49

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